

The first haulage carrying 1000m2 of the new lawn for Sakubva stadium has been delivered on the site and planting has started. The establishment of the new turf/ lawn project is anticipated to be completed within 2 weeks time.

The contractor has since completed the the vertical drainage. The profile of the vertical drainage entails that there is bedding sand at the bottom  where perforated drainage pipes have been laid on top of it.These pipes are covered by a layer of 3/4 stones. The layer of 3/4 stones in turn is Covered with filter sand. The stadium has 16 trunk drainage lines. There are also additional 20 auxiliary branching lines of perforated pipes interconnecting the trunk lines.

Lateral drainage: Over and above the vertical drainage which has perforated pipes, there is a lateral surface drainage . An average slope of 70 to 75% has been designed. This will necessitate and allow for additional water to flow outwards the stadium from the four directions of the center circle. It is noteworthy that the surface drainage is done using the organic soil.

Lawn is being  on the surface of the organic soil

Organic soil: A highly draining, organic soil covers the entire surface of the soil. The properties of organic soil is such that it allows excess soil in the ground to drain into filter sand, then the 3/4 stones into the sub-surface drainage pipes. The organic soil has a rate of lawn nutrients retention 

The first haulage carrying 1000m2 has been delivered on the site. Planting of the started in Ernest today. We are project to complete the planting of the lawn in in 2 weeks time

Previous Thursday 19 October 2023 Water Update

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